Expert-driven | Collaborative action

Harnessing expertise from organisational, forensic, and clinical arms of psychology, Workplace Conversations provide a suite of tailored wellbeing services. We are passionate about proactively supporting the psychological health and safety of staff in high pressure industries and enhancing ongoing self-care.  

Recent updates to Occupational Health and Safety regulations have escalated the importance of the management and mitigation of psychosocial hazards in the workplace. The increase in attention has highlighted the need for organisations to identify and address factors that may potentially pose a risk to the wellbeing of their employees.

Workplace Conversations can assist your organisation in taking proactive steps to protect and support your workforce and minimise the ongoing impacts of the work on self and others. Taking an innovative, evidence-based approach, we combine experiential learning, debriefing and peer support to unpack key risk factors and psychological concepts in a collaborative and safe space.

Research suggests a greater focus on group-based organisational initiatives is key in reducing stigma surrounding mental health and wellbeing issues and improving peer and managerial relationships. It also builds stronger peer connections, which has significant tangible benefits to the individual, organisation, and wider work culture – by reducing the overall burden of adverse psychological outcomes.

Whether it is a one-off workshop, debriefing or an ongoing programme imbedded within your organisation, we can tailor our services to your needs.

Spotlight on the legal profession

The increasing evidence of the psychosocial harms in the legal profession and the impact of these on lawyer wellbeing, workplace productivity and job satisfaction highlights the gap in the literature informing organisational approaches in addressing this need.

To further inform our services and add to the growing body of research, Workplace Conversations is now the industry partner in a research collaboration with Dr Tina Popa and Dr Christina Platz of RMIT Graduate School of Business of Law. In 2023, we were jointly granted the Malcolm Moore Industry Research Award, which allowed us to delve into the impact of burnout and vicarious trauma on lawyer wellbeing.

The preliminary results from our first study are in progress for publication and were recently presented at the Wellness for Law Forum 2024, jointly hosted by Melbourne Law School and Monash University, Faculty of Law1.

1 Popa, T., Platz, C., Young, K., Jackowski, K., Heap, L., & Luo, Y. (2024, February 15-16). “A Big Nebulous, Multifaceted Concept”: Reflections from Victorian personal injury lawyers on wellbeing, burnout and vicarious trauma [Oral presentation]. Wellness for Law Forum, Melbourne, Victoria.

Get in touch

To book a consult or find out more about our services please get in touch.